Saturday, December 3, 2016

Class 13 11/29/2016

Links to topics covered in class.

Carlos Baena and Blinking

Highlighted Text About Blinking

"The exact moment we blink is being shosen unconscious, but so as to not interrupt the perception of valuable visual information. That is after we looked in one direction for a while and get "enough" information from that, we blink and change focus of interest. By analogy, sometimes we blink to separate one thought from another in a thought process."

"When a thought process is finished or a decision is made - I once
heard a film editor say that he likes to cut on blinks because blinks
signal completion of whatever is going on in a character's mind"

"another place I like to use a blink occasionally is when lip syncing the "P" sound,"

"This is what I thought was interesting. Someone here told me about a book (sorry - can't remember the title right now) where a film editor discussed how he edits his movies. Basically, he makes the cut where an actor blinks or when
the viewer naturally "feels" like it's time to blink. His whole theory is that our brain is viewing a film whenever we are awake and that our eyes are the editors, and the blinks are our eyes "cutting" the "scenes." This is why we blink when our though process changes or eye direction changes,"

"offset the blinks but the actual closure of the eyes occurs on the same frame."

"Other stuff I try to do is to actually anticipate eyeblinks over a frame or two. Not that is very noticeable, but when you have closeups I really think it makes a difference. When we dart our eyes, the pupil eases out...I also noticed that with blinks. The eyelid doesn't close in a constant way, we have slows in and out of the open/close move"

Eye Brows

Animation as Visual Music

Body Shapes and Lines


Bring in SPLINED animations!!  Also send me your maya files as well, in case I need to open it in class and demonstrate anything.