Thursday, November 30, 2017

BFA 3D Animation Class 12 11/30/2017

Hello Class!

Notes from today's demonstration:

-Splining the jump animation.

-It's ok to key every frame when you are finalizing your animation.

-Watch out for gimbal lock on the arms.  Keying every frame helps.

-When raising the shoulders, make sure you are using the clavicles as well.

-Use motion trails to view your character's movement, and arcs.  I demonstrated checking on my arm arcs, but you could also check for your feet as well.

-Many hold poses in stepped keframe no longer work when you spline.  Make sure you set extra keys so your poses hold.

-I sped up and slowed parts of my animation to make sure it moved and felt physically believable.  I did this by shifting keyframes to allow for more or less time in between.

-Try to angle the spine along the path that the character is flying.

Frame x Frame examples:

Animations viewed in class:

Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.
Making of:

Popeye Movie Test:


Finish your run cycles!  Please playblast 3 different camera views for your animation.  Front, Side, and Persp.  Email them to me before the beginning of the next class!

Monday, November 20, 2017

BFA 3D Animation Class 11 11/15/2017


Last night we covered jumping.

I also showed you how to jump from a higher level to a lower level, using reference from the Great Mouse Detective.

I used stepped keys.

Here is a great video about pose to pose animation:

Here is the jump example I showed in class:

Other drawings:

These are drawing examples from a pixar animator, for planning his animation.  This can be useful for planning your poses ahead of time without opening maya:

Here is the animation evolution reel I showed to you in class.  Use this as inspiration for how you will block out and time your poses.
Evolution Reel from jeff gabor on Vimeo.

-Begin blocking out your jump animations.  Please bring in quicktimes showing the side view and any kind of persp view you would like to set up.

-Above, I've posted examples of running and jumping animation.  This is different from what I demonstrated in class.  However, if you would like to try this, please feel free.

When doing pose to pose animation, please keep in mind to make as many keys and poses as you need to sell the idea.  There is no limit.  The more you lay down, the easier it might be to spline the animation.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

BFA 3D Animation Class 10 11/8/2017

Hi Gang, 

Today I:

-Critiqued your run cycles.

-Showed how to move your character through the world.

-Showed how to move your animation away from the Master Control using the lattice tool in the graph editor.  You mainly need to worry about the Z channel with your IK feet and your COG control.

-Tried to demonstrate an older way I was taught how to do a walk cycle.  It did not go well!

-Demonstrated overlapping animation in the head of the character.  This seemed to be a struggle for a lot of people in the class.

Glenn Keane's Duet


Finish your run cycles and send me quicktimes in 3 views!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

BFA 3D Animation Class 9 11/1/2017

This class we took a look at your walk cycles and then I demonstrated a run cycle.

Items covered in class

-With run cycles, the feet both leave the ground.
-Elbows usually stay bent.

-Posed out the run cycle.
   -While in stepped keyframes, I determined my animation timing.

-Splined the run cycle.

-Altered timing of the run cycle so that the character holds in the air longer, and moves faster when the feet are on the ground.

Run Cycles

Here are some references for your run cycles.

This video shows something that is interesting to note.  This girl is shown landing on the balls of her feet instead of her heel, which is what I showed you in class.  That's ok!  That's very realistic, since jogging this way is better for your knees.

Chiari Porri
I recently found this animator's vimeo page from a friend.  She has great tutorials on how she does and walk and run cycle.  Please watch these so you can supplement what you already know.  

BTW I know this eleven rig seems appealing, but as you can see from her walk cycle video starting in Maya 2015, the rig starts to break.

Next do a first pass run cycle!  
-Please playblast 3 quicktimes, one for each camera angle.  Those angles are front, side, and RenderCam.  Please email them before class begins.  We will critique them at the beginning of class.