Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Class 6 09/27/2016

Hi guys!

Please continue to work on your running and jumping animations.


-Please be sure to add more key poses to your animation.  I would like to see the hands and feet really connect to the surfaces they are pushing off of.  Watch as many references as you can and observe how these parkour moves work.
-Work on speeding up your run.
-Simplify your camera.  I think you may only need two shots.


-Work on ramping up your run cycle, and fixing the body as your character is jumping.  Check both realistic and cartoony references and see how the spine moves.
-Simplify your camera move, and try to keep the eye direction of your character consistent

For both of you, remember to watch the timing of your animation.  You both seem to be doing well with mechanics, but could work on your timing.  Shift the keyframes closer together if you want to make something seem faster.  

You could almost have your characters running this fast before jumping.

Space them apart if you want to slow anything down.  Please film yourself, or download a clip of someone running or jumping.  Pay attention to the timing, or even the frame count between steps or jumps.  When you review your animations, compare them to your references and ask yourself "does this feel right?"  And please feel free to show me, or each other for feedback.  Sometimes it is hard to see what you need fix on your own work.  You will need someone else's eye to find the problems.

In the meantime, here is more inspiration and reference:

Finish up your run and jump animations.  I think for this assignment, you can turn in a persp, side, and Rendercam view.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Class 5 09/20/2016

Last class I showed you guys how I would do a run or jump.  I showed you straight ahead animation, and quickly demonstrated pose to pose at the end of the class.

Here is a great video about it:

Here are the run jump examples I showed in class:

Other drawings:

Drawing examples from a pixar animator, for planning his animation:

Revise your run cycles and bring them into class

Block out your animations for running and jumping.  Please bring in quicktimes showing the side view and any kind of persp view you would like to set up.

If you are doing pose to pose animation, please keep in mind to make as many keys and poses as you need to sell the idea.  There is no limit.  The more you lay down, the easier it might be to spline the animation.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Class 4 09/13/2016

Run Cycles

Hi guys.  Here are some inspirations and references for your run cycles.

This video shows something that is interesting to note.  This girl is shown landing on the balls of her feet instead of her heel, which is what I showed you in class.  That's ok!  That's very realistic, since jogging this way is better for your knees.

I have tried to find running tutorials, but the ones I see are not very good.  I think by now you should be comfortable keyframing in maya., and you know what kind of poses you want to hit.

Topics covered in class to remember
-A-tools tweening
-Holding "I" and middle mouse in the graph editor to drop key frames on the curves.
-Retiming the run cycle by pushing and pulling keys.

Based on critiques in class, please revise your walk cycles.  Polish them up!  Perhaps you can use it on an animation reel!

Next do a run cycle!  Please playblast a quicktime with H.264 compression, at HD 720.  Please email them before class begins.  We will critique them at the beginning of class.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Class 3 09/07/2016

Hello everyone.  In this blog post, I have a refresher on how some of aTools works.  Also I have provided some references for walk cycles.

I am still working on a default pose script for Morpheus, so stay tuned.

Atools for maya at home (click to save)

Tutorial Video on aTools:

Walk cycle images:

This man here is an inspiration.  This person was not an animator before, but he decided he wanted to try it.  Everyday for 100 days, he tried to animate a walk cycle.  You can see him getting better and better with each try.

Other Walk Cycles:

Other Tutorials:


Please put together a first pass of your walk cycles.  Don't forget to use aTools to save time. Use the images provided if you need references for which poses you would like to have in your walk cycle.  Please work on your poses and timing until you feel like they look like good walk cycles.

If you film yourself walking as reference, I will give extra credit.

For next class I would like to see a quicktime of your walk cycles and your references if you have them.  Please playblast them and email them to me before class begins.  We will then take those and I will show you how to take them a step further and refine them.

If you need help or advice, please send me an email!