Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Studio Arts Maya 101 Class 8 9/25/2019

Hello and Goodbye!  Here are the topics I covered during our last class...

First I started out talking about UV Mapping with Maya.  I showed all the various ways of starting to map your geometry.  I showed how to use a UV Checker to make sure you don't have any weird texture warping or stretching.
Using the UV editor, I demonstrated how to move UVs around to fix your texture.  When UVs are ready, you can do a UV snapshot to export an image of your UVs and use that as a template for painting in Photoshop.  Once you have an image painted for your mesh, bring it in as a file texture node and connect it to the color input of the mesh's shader.

Tutorials on UV texturing in Maya:

After texturing, I demonstrated shading and lighting in Arnold.  I used the Arnold Standard Shader to demonstrate attributes, like color, specular, transparency, and metalness.  I showed the different arnold lights in Maya, and demonstrated how to render and .exr file in layers using AOVs.

Arnold Shaders:
Lighting in Arnold:
AOVs in Arnold: