Monday, October 12, 2015

Class 6 10/12/2015


Last class I showed everyone how to spline your walk cycle and how to focus on certain areas to refine the walk cycle.  In this post I will add some supplemental material to expand on what was covered.

For those who are still figuring out the graph editor, here is a good video to study:

Here are other resources for animating walk cycles.  Keep in mind these are done with different rigs.  Many controls may be different but they should essentially be doing the same thing.  Watch these videos and try to pick up on what these animators are focused on:

Another method for thinking about walk cycles:

There are many ways to begin animating a walk cycle.  Mainly I want you to watch these so you can think about all the moving parts of a walk cycle.  Remember when I had you all draw?  Use that same eye to see what works in a walk cycle.  Does the up and down feel good?  Does the body twisting feel natural?  Do the arms swing in a natural way?  Please search youtube for more walk cycle videos.  There are a lot of them.  Hopefully you will begin to see a pattern arise, and understand what goes into a good walk cycle.

Please spline your walk cycles and refine them as much as you can.  Act as if you are going to finish them.  They can still be walking in place.  If you are not sure when you are ready to spline them, feel free to select all your keys and choose to do auto tangent, or spline.  If you see any glaring issues or problems, just begin to fix them one by one.

Make sure it feels natural.  Watch as many people walk as possible, and try to observe what the body is doing.

We will look at them in class and critique them.  Please have them playblasted and emailed to me before the start of the class.  No matter what, email to me wherever you are on this assignment.

Contact me if you have any questions!

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